Programmatic Accreditation includes individual programs, schools and departments within the academic institutes across the globe. There are numerous accrediting agencies that provide specialized accreditation in various fields of study including engineering, nursing, project management, business, law, arts and many more. The core focus of programmatic accreditation is on individual programs as it holds the same significance as regional accreditation. Programmatic accreditation makes sure that the programs offered meet the international education standards.
As far as institutional accreditation is concerned, USHEC offers international accreditation to those educational institutes that provide quality education to students, based on global academic standards and policies. The aim is to make the education standardized on global level. USHEC offers an evaluation process for academic institutes which measures the institute based on the quality of the programs offered, education provided, type of faculty, fee structure, curriculum, organizational structure and other career services offered.
Once the institute is accepted for accreditation, it has to take up to five years to complete accreditation process and achieve the prime membership status. The process usually takes 2-4 years. After the accreditation status is granted, it is valid for up to 7 years. During that time, the institute will undergo a site visit and will be reviewed by the Evaluation Committee Members for the reaffirmation of accreditation.
USHEC accredits all academic programs that includes the associate, bachelors, masters and doctoral level of higher education. The 'academic program' is considered for accreditation only if it fulfils the below mentioned criteria:
Furthermore, all majors, concentrations, specializations, emphases, options, and tracks contained within a program will also be encompassed by the USHEC’s scope of accreditation if and only if they satisfy the following two criteria:
To become an educational member of USHEC, an academic business unit must submit an application for the educational membership, make the membership payment, provides proof that it is a publicly stated mission oriented college or university, submit a copy of a recent catalogue, prospectus, bulletin, brochure or other material portraying the academic programs offered and also provide evidence that the parent institute has national recognition through international accreditation.
Membership dues for academic programs are $2450. Annual membership dues for a given calendar year are payable in advance and must be paid before December 15 of the prior year, or late fees will be assessed.
Annual dues for the 2017 membership year are $2,450.
Payments are remitted by check, credit card or by wire transfer.
Absolutely. USHEC has established a mentoring program to assist its members through the entire accreditation process. For further details, please see:
The annual USHEC conference is an excellent opportunity to learn about accreditation and its process in detail. It is also an important opportunity for professional development where the sessions are conducted by the experts form USHEC member institutes. Moreover, it is an excellent networking opportunity to meet and form alliances with other education providers.
There is a complete training process to become a site reviewer. Site visit reviewer training is usually conducted at the annual conferences or at the workshops that are help throughout the year.
If any academic program is accredited by USHEC, the programs must comply with the USHEC accreditation criteria. To learn more about the accreditation process, visit dates and other details pertaining to an accredited institute, feel free to contact us.
You are free to raise any objection regarding the accreditation process of USHEC and you may contact the support agents for detailed information.
USHEC accreditation ensure that your academic degrees are of high quality. USHEC accredited programs undergo a rigorous and self-evaluated process by highly trained and expert committee members. Moreover, the institute and the academic programs ensure that they demonstrate commitment towards continuous improvement in the quality of higher education.
Obtaining a degree from USHEC accredited institutes will enhance your credentials and will be recognized by other institutes across the globe.
The decision to accept credit transfer varies from institution to institution.