We offer a free, professional checking and immigration service for Tier 4, 2 visa applications for new, current students and alumni as well as their dependents. We strongly recommend that you seek guidance from an adviser from USHEAS your application so that it has the best possible chance of succeeding.
Our team of Student Immigration Advisers provide specialist advice to help applicants and students apply for and maintain visas. We also provide advice for staff about student immigration and are responsible for maintaining the ’s Tier 4 sponsor license.
Note: JANUARY – APRIL 2021 will be our final intake for the Immigration Program and, we are currently accepting applications for this final intake. As registration is fast approaching, we strongly recommend that you apply to the program at your earliest, so that you are approved and ready to register when course registration opens on that date. We are forecasting that this program will fill up quickly and once filled there will be no other opportunity to take the program with any of our accredited universities.